19 Jul 2011

Day 11 – Six more trusses and a little zinc

The boys left the hotel early this morning in order to lift the final six trusses into place before lunch at 1pm. The first few went up without too much fuss, but the last 3 took a lot more forethought in order to ensure that there was enough room to lift the last one into place. In the end the last three were all placed upside down close to end wall and then moved back into position one at a time and spun around. !pm was the target and the job was completed by 1.20pm.
The penultimate job was to put up the battens to attach the zinc sheets to and this was begun after lunch. As this was all taking place at height now it was left to the adults to bang in all the nails whilst the boys passed them hammers, nails, battens, etc. After about an hour and a half a quarter of the roof had been completed and it was possible to put the first of the zinc sheets into place. This wasn’t really necessary, but it was important to gauge how long this would take in order to plan the work tomorrow. It’s going to be close but it should just be possible to complete the project tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

margaret said...

Absolutely incredible work! Well done to all of you. Can't believe how much you have all achieved! The photos have been amazing...well done Mr Marchant. You are so close to completing the task... we knew you could do it. Enjoy Lake Malawi, you all deserve it.
Margaret & Stephen Chadwick