16 Jul 2011

Day 8 - Column Construction

The main task today was to complete the columns and fill them with concrete. The boys got off to a good start putting the re-enforcing rods into the columns and then pouring concrete up to the half way mark. Once this was completed the priority was to build another 15 layers of bricks on each of the columns. It doesn’t sound like very much, but every one of them had to be completely straight, the guide wires could only go up when every column on that side was complete and the last 4 layers couldn’t be built without the help of scaffolding. This had to be done by 3pm so that the concrete could be poured before it got dark.

Inevitably this didn’t quite happen, the main cause of which was the limited amount of scaffolding available, which had to be shared between the 14 columns. It was therefore no surprise that the final columns ended up being poured in near darkness. Nevertheless, the job was completed and the project remains on target to be completed on Wednesday.

Only the most capable brick layers were given the responsibility of putting up the columns (including your narrator - see the photos taken on the helmet camera). Despite this the quality of the columns generally good with most of the boys making good use the spirit levels that were available and keeping the columns going up vertically.

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